August 24, 2009

Create A Caption Contest

Studio {Blue} Photography is running a contest! Create a caption to our Polaroid shot for a chance to win a $20 Caribou Coffee gift card. Just follow this link and submit a caption in the comments section of our post...we'll pick our fave 8/31. Have fun and get creative!

August 17, 2009

Emily + Tim | Engaged

Emily + Tim are getting married in St. Paul this December, but currently live out of state. Since her sister (Samantha) was getting married--whose wedding I also shot--we decided to do their e-session while they were back in Minnesota. Their day was packed with prepping for the wedding, so we had to move quickly around Rice Park and the St. Paul Hotel. We made it work, though, and pulled off some killer images downtown.

Besides the excitement of capturing two sisters in two days, I was also looking forward to working with Tim. He's from my old stomping grounds (Cleveland, OH) but now lives in Chicago. E-sessions and stylish images are pretty uncommon in the Buckeye State, so a shoot like this meant venturing into the unknown for this groom-to-be. Still, it was fun to connect with someone familiar with my hometown, and show them how photography rolls in the Twin Cities.

For a couple that claimed to be camera shy, would you ever know?! Awesome job opening up for me, guys! I had a great time with you!

August 10, 2009

Stacey + Gabe | Engaged

After I met with Stacey + Gabe, I knew "cookie-cutter" wasn't in the works. When I asked them what they do for fun, they said they weren't the kind of couple that frequents coffee shops or the park. Instead, their favorite way of spending time together is by battling it out on their Wii + laying in bed dueling between their Nintendo DS's. I love every opportunity to go outside-the-box--and it's important to me that a couple's photos speak to who they are at heart--so I was really looking forward to capturing them in action for their e-session.

After an intense game of Wii Boxing, we headed over to Big Stone Mini Golf in Mound, MN.
If you haven't been there yet, this is one unique mini golf course...I don't think it's possible to get a hole-in-one. An old Ford pickup and the course's unique architecture made for great photos. After a long day together, we hit up Licks Unlimited in Excelsior to cool off and wind down. Overall, I had a great time with a fun couple who truly are in love with each other. Watching them together was a blast and brought more than a few laughs. Looking forward to all the fun we'll have on their big day!